Betere Dingen


Find me here: PubMed, Google Scholar, OSF, GitHub, NeuroTree, Research Gate and ORCID.

Peer-reviewed journal articles:

  1. Ruttle JE, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2018). The Fast Contribution of Visual-Proprioceptive Discrepancy to Reach Aftereffects and Proprioceptive Recalibration. PLoS One.
  1. Ruttle JE, Cressman EK, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2016). Time Course of Reach Adaptation and Proprioceptive Recalibration during Visuomotor Learning. PLoS One.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2016). Separating predicted and perceived sensory consequences of motor learning. PLoS One.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Kohlbecher S, Einhäuser W, Schneider E (2015). Gaze in visual search is guided more efficiently by positive cues than by negative cues. PLoS One.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Kohlbecher S, Bartl K, Schumann F, Einhäuser W, Schneider E (2015). Visual search in the real world: Color vision deficiency affects peripheral guidance, but leaves foveal verification largely unaffected. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:680.
  1. Ayala M, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2015). Concurrent adaptation to opposing visuomotor rotations by varying hand and body postures. Experimental Brain Research.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Schmidt HCEF, Klein-Harmeyer I, W. Einhäuser W (2013). Attention in natural scenes: contrast affects rapid visual processing and fixations alike. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 368:1628
  1. ’t Hart BM, Schmidt HCEF, Roth C, Einhäuser W (2013). Fixations on objects in natural scenes: dissociating importance from salience. Frontiers in Percpetion Science, 4:455, 1-9.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2012). Mind the step: complementary effects of an implicit task on eye and head movements in real-life gaze allocation. Experimental Brain Research, 223(2), 233-249.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Abresch TGJ, Einhäuser W (2011). Faces in Places: Humans and Machines Make Similar Face-Detection Errors. PLoS ONE, 6(10): e25373.
  1. Preuschoff K, ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2011). Pupil dilation signals surprise: evidence for noradrenaline’s role in decision making. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, 5(115), 1-12.
  1. Beets IAM, ’t Hart BM, Rösler F, Henriques DYP, Einhäuser W, Fiehler K (2010). Online action-to-perception transfer: only percept-dependent action affects perception. Vision Research, 50(24),  2633–2641.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Vockeroth J, Schumann F, Bartl K, Schneider E, König P, Einhäuser W (2009). Gaze allocation in natural stimuli: comparing free exploration to head-fixed viewing conditions. Visual Cognition, 17(6-7), 1132-1158.
  1. Engmann S, ’t Hart BM, Sieren T, Onat S, König P, Einhäuser W (2009). Saliency on a natural-scene background: Effects of color- and luminance-contrast add linearly. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(6), 1337-1352.
  1. Gladwin TE, ’t Hart BM, De Jong R (2008). Dissociations between motor-related EEG measures in a cued movement sequence task. Cortex, 44(5), 521–536.
  1. De Jong R, Gladwin TE, ’t Hart BM (2006). Movement-related EEG indices of preparation in task switching and motor control. Journal of Brain Research, 1105(1), 73–82.

Conference abstracts:

  1. ’t Hart BM, Ruttle JE, Chauhan U, Straube A, Eggert T, Henriques DYP (2018). Fast and Slow Process Integration in Visuomotor Learning: Feedback Parameters and Aging. International Multi-sensory Research Forum, poster.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2018). Two Signals For Hand Localization – No Optimal Integration. International Multi-sensory Research Forum, poster.
  1. Ruttle JE, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2018). Visually induced changes in proprioception- and prediction-based hand localization. International Multi-sensory Research Forum, poster.
  1. Ruttle J, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). Is proprioceptive recalibration explained by a multi-rate model? SfN, abstract.
  1. Modchalingam S, Vachon C, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). Explicit awareness of a perturbation during training does not affect predicted and perceived sensory consequences of hand motion, SfN, abstract.
  1. Vachon C, Modchalingam S, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). Older adults benefit less from explicit instruction, but show a larger change in perceived but not predicted estimate of hand position following visuomotor training, SfN, abstract.
  1. Modchalingam S, Vachon C, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). Explicit instruction and a large perturbation have equivalent effects on rate of motor learning. CVR-VISTA, poster.
  1. Vachon C, Modchalingam S, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). The Roles of Sensory Prediction and Explicit Strategies for Motor Learning in Older Adults. CVR-VISTA, poster.
  1. Modchalingam S, Vachon C, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). Explicit instruction and a large perturbation have equivalent effects on rate of motor learning. CAN, poster.
  1. Vachon C, Modchalingam S, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2017). The Roles of Sensory Prediction and Explicit Strategies for Motor Learning in Older Adults. CAN, poster.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Ruttle J, Henriques DYP (2017). A Multi-Rate Model Does Not Explain Proprioceptive Recalibration. NCM, poster.
  1. Henriques DYP, Chad Vachon C, Modchalingam S, ’t Hart BM (2017). Proprioceptive Recalibration and Updating Predicted Sensory Consequences are not Affected by Explicit Instruction. NCM, poster.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Mostafa AA, Henriques DYP (2016). Proprioceptive and predicted consequences of action disentangled. SfN, abstract.
  1. Mostafa A, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2016). Sensory consequences of hand movement following exposure to visual-proprioceptive discrepancy. SCAPPS, abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Modchalingam S, Echlin H, Vachon C, Henriques DYP (2016). Proprioceptive recalibration is a purely implicit process. SCAPPS, abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2016). Relative contributions of perception and prediction to hand localization in visuomotor adaptation. CAN, poster.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Mostafa AA, Henriques DYP (2016). Quantifying the contribution of proprioception to motor learning. CAPnet-CPS satellite to CAN, talk.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Clayton H, Henriques DYP (2015). The contributions of perception and prediction to changes in hand localization after visuomotor adaptation. SfN, poster.
  1. Clayton H, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2015). Separating Predicted and Perceived Sensory Consequences of Motor Learning. CVR conference, poster.
  1. Einhaüser W, ’t Hart BM (2014). Eye movements in natural scenes and gaze in the real world. VSS, talk.
  1. Acerbi L, ’t Hart BM, Behbahani FMP, Peters MAK (2013). Optimality under fire: Dissociating learning from Bayesian integration. TCMC abstract.
  1. Kutz DF, ’t Hart BM, Hürster W, Kolb FP, Nida-Rümelin J (2013). Deliberation process preceding a movement decision in human motor cortices revealed by high-density EEG. DZG.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Kohlbecher S, König P, Einhäuser W, Brandt T, Schneider E (2013). Visual Search: Ignoring targets by colour. ECEM.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2013). Gaze in real-world scenarios: interaction of task and stimulus. MathPsych.
  1. Pfeuffer A, ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2013). Quantifying scanpath similarity in real-world data. ZiF Research Group Workshop: Eye Tracking Methods and Scan Path Analysis.
  1.  ’t Hart BM, Schmidt H, Klein-Harmeyer I, Roth C, Einhäuser W (2012). Does an object's contrast affect attention and detection equally? ECVP abstract.
  1.  ’t Hart BM, Schmidt H, Klein-Harmeyer I, Roth C, Einhäuser W (2012). The role of low-level features for rapid object detection and guidance of gaze in natural scenes. VSS abstract.
  1. Fiehler K, Beets IAM, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP, Einhäuser W (2011), Limb movements shape visual motion perception of ambiguous stimuli. SfN abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2011). Eye-tracking in the laboratory and in real life. SfN abstract.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Kohlbecher S, Bartl K, Schumann F, König P, Einhäuser W, Brandt T, Schneider E (2011). Deuteranomaly in natural visual search. SfN abstract.
  1. SareyKhanie M, Andersen M, ’t Hart BM, Stoll, J, Einhäuser W (2011). Integration of eye-tracking methods in visual comfort assessments. CISBAT.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Kugler G, Bartl K, Kohlbecher S, Schumann F, Brandt T, König P, Einhäuser W, Schneider E (2011). Real-world search strategies with normal and deficient colour-vision. ECVP abstract
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Kohlbecher S, Bartl K, Schumann F, König P, Einhäuser W, Brandt T, Schneider E (2011). Color-based target preselection in real world visual search. ECEM.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Schmidt H, Klein-Harmeyer I, Einhäuser W (2011). Objects in natural scenes: Do rapid detection and gaze control utilize the same features? ECEM.
  1. Abresch TGJ, ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2011). Similar errors in human and computational face-detection. NWG abstract.
  1. Einhäuser W, ’t Hart BM, Preuschoff K (2011). Pupil dilation reflects unexpected uncertainty: a role for noradrenalin in decision-making. NWG abstract.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Bartl K, Kohlbecher S, Schumann F, Einhäuser W, Brandt T, Schneider E (2011). Looking For Candy: Real-world, feature based search. NWG abstract.
  1. Fiehler K, ’t Hart BM, Beets IAM, Henriques DYP, Einhäuser W (2010) The impact of action on perception: Evidence from ambiguous visual stimuli. ECVP abstract.
  1. Preuschoff K, ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2010). Pupil dilation reflects judgement of uncertainty. ECVP abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Abresch T, Einhäuser W (2010). Humans make similar errors as computational algorithms when detecting faces. ECVP abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Einhäuser W (2009). The effect of terrain on eye movements while walking in the real world. ECVP abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Vockeroth J, Schumann F, Bartl K, Schneider E, König P, Einhäuser W (2009). Gaze allocation during natural behavior in the real world. NWG abstract.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Gladwin TE, De Jong R (2007). Measuring Partial Motor Programs. EWOMS abstract.


  1. Ruttle J, ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2018, April 23). Time-Course: Passive-Exposure Training. Open Science Framework.
  1. Ruttle J, ’t Hart BM, Cressman E, Henriques DYP (2016, June 17). Volitional Reach Training Data - All Measures. Open Science Framework.
  1. ’t Hart BM, Henriques DYP (2015). Reach parameters and touch screen responses for a project on perceived and predicted sensory consequences of movement. Open Science Framework.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM (2015). Data and documentation for the paper: Gaze in visual search is guided more efficiently by positive cues than by negative cues. Figshare.
  1. Kugler G, ’t Hart BM, Kohlbecher S, Einhäuser W, Schneider E (2015). Aggregated performance measures for a study on the use of color cues by color-vision defiecient people in a real-world search task. Figshare.

Invited talks





  • Prof. Dr. R. Kliegl and Prof. Dr. F. Rösler, Cognitive Psychology, University of Potsdam. Gaze in lab and life: overt visual attention in artificial and realistic situations.


  • Prof. Dr. K.P. Körding, Bayesian Behavior Lab, Northwestern University and Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. The role of features in object perception.
  • Prof. Dr. M. Niemeier, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Canada. Features, objects, task: what drives real-world visual attention?
  • Prof. Dr. D.Y.P. Henriques, Centre for Vision Research, York University, Canada. Features, objects, task: what drives real-world visual attention?


  • ’t Hart BM (2003). Consistency of SEP. Project report, supervisors: Maurits N, Van Weerden TE, coordinator: Brouwers WH.

Software Projects

  • VEEL: simple GUI to fit exponential functions to learning curves

Marius ’t Hart

Currently I work as a post-doc at York University Toronto, in the group of Denise Henriques. The goal of my project is to advance our understanding of the role of proprioception in motor learning.

Brief Vitae

  • 1977 born in rural Stadskanaal
  • 1981 - 1989 educated at De Rank and C.W. Lubbersschool in Wildervank and De Vijverschans in Haren
  • 1989 - 1996 Atheneum (high-school) at Augustinus College in Groningen
  • 1996 - 2004 started studying Technical Cognition Sciences at the University of Groningen, but ended up with a Master in Experimental & Work Psychology, gathering experience in extra-curricular activities such as chairing the editors of the departmental magazine "Diemensies"
  • 2004 - 2008 part-time job at a large IT corporation as service officer, also co-authored two papers and a poster in this period
  • 2008 - 2011 PhD student with Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer and Frank Rösler at the Neurophysics department of the Philipps University in Marburg. My PhD thesis 'Visual attention in the real world' has been awarded with a magna cum laude
  • 2011 - 2012 Post-doc with Frank Bremmer at the Neurophysics department of the Philipps University Marburg, setting up an EEG lab and starting new lines of research
  • 2013 Post-doc with Florian Kolb and Dieter Kutz at the Physiological Genomics lab in Munich, analysing EEG data
  • 2014 Post-doc with Konrad Körding at the Rehabilitation Institute Chicago, working on gaze direction in real-world settings as well as cue integration in depth perception
  • 2014 Post-doc with Denise Henriques at York University, Toronto, working on how proprioception changes during motor learning. Funded through my DFG fellowship, HA 6861/2-1.


How not to spell my name (all of these are real-life examples):

  • Bernard Marius ‘t Hart (opening quotation mark: upside-down apostrophe)
  • Bernhard Marius t Hart (added h in Bernard)
  • Bernard Marius t Hart (apostrophe after t)
  • Bernard Marius tHart (apostrophe after t, and space omitted)
  • Bernard Marius t Hart (apostrophe omitted)
  • Bernard Marius `t Hart (tick mark instead of apostrophe)
  • Bernard Marius T Hart (my student alias in Marburg)
  • Bernard Marius dHart (d instead of t, apostrophe in wrong place)
  • Bernard Marius t'Hardt (d added, ascii apostrophe in the wrong place)
  • Bernard Marius t'Haart (a added, ascii apostrophe in the wrong place)
  • Barnard Marius ’t Hart (a instead of e in first name)
  • Marius't (as a last name in a text, my last name is ’t Hart)

Just use copy-paste: Bernard Marius ’t Hart